[rt-users] CLI - response / status problem

Jason Taylor jtaylor at bastyr.edu
Thu Oct 28 12:12:35 EDT 2004

Christian Hammers wrote:

>On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 02:06:36PM -0700, Jason Taylor wrote:
>>I've been trying to use the CLI without success.  I've finally tracked 
>>down the problem there being no newline, let alone two, after the 
>Change html/REST/1.0/search/ticket at the bottom from
> $m->out("RT/". $RT::VERSION . " " . $status);
> $m->out("RT/". $RT::VERSION . " " . $status . "\r\n");
>Although I still have the following error message in version 3.3.10:
>	$ RTDEBUG=3 rt ls -i "CustomFieldValue.{Kunde} like '10829%'"
>	...
>	RT/3.3.10 200 Ok
>	ticket/58
>	Use of uninitialized value in print at /usr/bin/rt line 270.
>Any ideas why? The offending line says "print $r->content;"
Thanks for getting me this far.  There has to be one blank line between 
the header and the content so try:
$m->out("RT/". $RT::VERSION . " " . $status . "\n\n");

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