[rt-users] Start-Up question...

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 1 16:18:25 EST 2005

At Friday 4/1/2005 03:41 PM, O4Tom wrote:
>rt:         "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue General --action
>correspond --url http://xxx.xxx.net:2029/"
>rt-comment: "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general --action
>comment --url http://xxx.xxx.net::2029"
>Rt is running on port 2029 on this installation.
>I'm sending email to rt at xxx.xxx.net but I'm never seeing it pop up on
>my rt web interface.  I don't see anything except for tickets that I
>create in the web interface.  What am I missing?


You might get some more information by running the mailgate with debugging 
on from the command line - pipe your mail message (or any text, really) into:

/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue General --action correspond --url 
http://xxx.xxx.net:2029/ --debug


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)

sturner at mit.edu

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