[rt-users] How to migrate from RT2 to RT3.4.1?

Marco Induni minduni at ti-edu.ch
Mon Apr 4 06:03:49 EDT 2005

Thomas Hyldgaard Hansen wrote:
> Hi
> I've tried to migrade an RT2 installation to a new RT 3.4.1
> installation, but so far without luck.
> I'll appreciate if somebody can kick me in the right direction for
> this. From what I've read in the mailing lists (and experienced so
> far) then the steps should be like:
> 1) On the RT2 machine, use rt2-to-rt3-1.23 (rt-2.0-to-dumpfile) , to
> get dumps from the existing mysql database.
> 2) Moved the dumped database files to the new RT3 machine.
> 3) Use the earliest version 3 of RT 3.0.12, when using
> dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 (because RT 3.4.1 code in not compatible with the
> dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 code).
> For this to work the correct version of perl and Storable must be
> present, otherwise the dumper tickets from the RT2 dump cannot be
> read.
> 4) Next follow the 3.0.12 upgrade steps (as found in README/UPGRADE files).
> 5) Finally install RT 3.4.1 and follow upgrade steps (as found in
> Is something missing in these steps? 
> Best regards,
> Thomas
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I've upgraded from 1.0.1 to 3.2.3 (with all the intermediate steps), and 
all workes almost good.

The problem is that when you try to upgrade from 3.2.3 to 3.4.x, there 
are big problem on the tickets (the comment are lost .!)

I also tried to install an intermediate version 3.3.x but the problem 
was the same.

So maybe you could start to upgrade to the 3.2.3 version.

Anyone else had this problem (i.e. migratione from 3.2.3 to the latest ?)

Thanky you

Marco Induni
Universita` della Svizzera italiana
Servizi informatici / TI-EDU
Galleria 2
CH-6928 Manno (Switzerland)
E-mail: minduni at ti-edu.ch
Tel: +41 58 666 6656
Fax: +41 58 666 6650

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