[rt-users] RT vs ........

Rainer Duffner rainer at ultra-secure.de
Mon Apr 4 12:05:44 EDT 2005

Christopher Welsh wrote:

> Hi,
> Let me first say I am being sincere here with my questions. I simply 
> wish to find reasons to keep RT over Track-IT. It's solid and does a 
> good job.
> ...

> Workmates reply to my original email -------------------------------


> End Workmates comments -------------------------------

As it looks like, your company (or your co-worker) is looking for an 

This is an ambitious goal, but seldomly achieved - fortune 500 companies 
pay consultancies big bucks to integrate various solutions for this 
purpose (and then it isn't guaranteed to work either <g>).
See this link: 

(The German article I originally read on paper is much more verbose: 
- but in German ...)

How many people and machines are you going to support, BTW? And how many 
tickets/months are you estimating?
Is there a requirements specification?
Evaluating various SW-packages is a good thing - but you (your company) 
should have come-up with a "wish-list" before reading the feature-lists 
of various commercial offerings.
Otherwhise, you'll end-up buying whatever the vendor was able to feed 
down on you as "important" or "worthwhile".

Clearly, you are in the middle of a little "office-intrigue", or you 
have (at least in the eyes of your  co-worker) "overstepped" the lines 
and are disputing his territory.
So, unless you can come-up with very much better numbers and a better 
presentation (or some other non-technical points) the chances of you 
winning this "pissing contest" may be not so good.

I wish you good luck anyway.


~     Rainer Duffner - rainer at ultra-secure.de     ~
~           Freising - Munich - Germany           ~
~    Unix - Linux - BSD - OpenSource - Security   ~
~  http://www.ultra-secure.de/~rainer/pubkey.pgp  ~

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