[rt-users] Re: Authenticationless ticket view?

Anthony R. J. Ball ant at suave.net
Thu Apr 7 10:20:38 EDT 2005

  Ideally I want to be able to go to the ticket view page with view
only access... 

  I want people to be able to do a special search to give them all
the ticket subjects and links to the ticket, that they can copy and
paste... I can probably do that with the advanced display setup...

  Hrm... yeah... user and pass can be passed to the ticket page...
if I set up a simple view only user that should probably work... thanks.

On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 10:42:58PM -0400, seph wrote:
> >   Is there a way to provide ticket viewing via a url that requires
> > no user authentication? 
> put the username and password into the URL? Use NoAuth?
> seph
>  ** CRM114 Whitelisted by: mit.edu **

     www.suave.net - Anthony Ball - ant at suave.net
        OSB - http://rivendell.suave.net/Beer
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