[rt-users] My RT with #500000

Matthew Watson matthew.watson at staff.netspace.net.au
Tue Apr 19 20:40:07 EDT 2005

select count(*) from transactions
1 row selected

Optimising.. we pulled a few things out of the UI (such as other tickets
by a user on the display ticket page).
Quite a few new index and I believe our dba had to tweak some oracle
settings to get the correct indexes to be used, not exactly sure what
that was though I'm afraid.

We also threw a reasonably amount of hardware at the problem. Our
testing showed that on the dual AMD Opteron systems we use as a front
end, when you start getting more than 5-10 simultaneous (which is quite
a lot in this type of environment) performance started to drop of
rapidly. The mason front end (and the perl API) seem quite heavy. So
currently we have 2 dual AMD Opterons running the web/email gateways and
our Sun/Oracle server as the data store (this also does other things).
Seems to be running quite smoothly, haven't had any complaints about
"lockups" since moving to RT3, something which happened quite often when
we ran mysql4/rt2, this I think is largely due to oracles better ability
to handle large/crazy queries.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Meyer [mailto:purp at acm.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 2:08 AM
> To: Matthew Watson
> Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
> Subject: RE: [rt-users] My RT with #500000
> Hello!
> On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 02:57, Matthew Watson wrote:
> > Arh. I remember we when hit 500k tickets, oh so long ago. :)
> >
> >
> > select count(*) from tickets
> >   COUNT(*)
> > ----------
> >    1068891
> > 1 row selected
> >
> > select max(id) from tickets
> >    MAX(ID)
> > ----------
> >    1331311
> > 1 row selected
> Out of curiosity ... what's this return?
> select count(*) from transactions;
> I'd also love to hear about what you've done to optimize RT for Oracle
> (and vice versa). We're looking hard at RT and want to address some
> concerns we see (or at least thought we saw) with scaling to 300000+
> tickets.
> Thanks!
> --j
> --
> Jim Meyer, Geek at Large
purp at acm.org

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