[rt-users] Impossible to create a new ticket with attachement as unprivileged user ???!!

Hugues Lepesant hlepesant at veepee.com
Thu Apr 21 13:32:03 EDT 2005

Hi Jesse,

I've upgraded to 3.4.2rc1.
The ticket creation with attachement is ok now.
But I had some errors using RT.
For example when a unprivileged user want to create a ticket often some
information are lost, the Queue's id is in the URI but name of the queue
is not showned "Queue:   ()" and I must force the reload of the page by
my browser to have it. And after the creation of a ticket failled.

And I have a error when I want to see it.
And the error in the log is

WebRT: Couldn't load ticket '' ()

Fortunately I upgraded on the development server :))

In any event thanks for your help.
I would have patience until relase of 3.4.2 ;)

Hugues Lepesant

Jesse Vincent a écrit :
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 01:17:18PM +0200, Hugues Lepesant wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I still have this problem.
>>And I don't know how to resolve it.
> Try RT 3.4.2rc1?

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