[rt-users] RT Hangs when removing users from group

Neil Troy troy at ece.utk.edu
Thu Apr 21 13:59:51 EDT 2005

I have noticed that at our site we have the same problem; being unable
to remove users from groups.  We are upgrading from 3.0.4pre1 to
3.4.2rc1.  We have seen this error when we tried 3.4.1 too.

Old Installation Info:

Linux version 2.4.20-8, Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
Mysql: Ver 4.0.12 for pc-linux on i686
Apache v2.0.47
DBIx::SearchBuilder v0.92
RT-Version: 3.0.4pre1

New Installation Info:

Linux version 2.6.3, Debian Sarge
Mysql:  Ver 4.0.22_Debian-6-log for pc-linux on i386 (Source distribution)
Apache v1.3.33
DBIx::SearchBuilder v1.26
Rt-Version: 3.4.2rc1

Here is a brief overview of how I upgraded from RT 3.0.4

On the new host, install RT 3.4.2rc1 following the instructions from the
wiki: download source, make fixdeps, etc... Then I drop the rt3 database
on the new host.  I create a backup of the rt3 database from our old
host using the following command:
mysqldump -u root -p --opt -B rt3 > rt3.sql

I then import this on the new host, and run the database upgrade scripts
in rt/etc/upgrade for 3.1.0 through 3.3.11.  Copy over RT_SiteConfig.pm,
add our needed .htaccess files and start apache.  RT works great, except
that we can no longer remove users from groups.  I can create new
groups, and it works fine.

Here are some log entries from our new host:


Apr 21 12:25:32 data RT: Deep recursion on subroutine "RT::ACE::_Value"
at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 425. 


The query on the last line is repeated over and over until apache is

58 Query       SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE id = '1'
58 Query       SELECT  * FROM Principals WHERE PrincipalType = 'User'
AND ObjectId = '1'
58 Query       SELECT ACL.id from ACL, Groups, Principals,
CachedGroupMembers WHERE  (ACL.RightName = 'SuperUser' OR  ACL.RightName
= 'ShowACL') AND Principals.Disabled = 0 AND CachedGroupMembers.Disabled
= 0  AND Principals.id = Groups.id AND  Principals.id =
CachedGroupMembers.GroupId AND CachedGroupMembers.MemberId = '1' AND (
ACL.ObjectType = 'RT::System' OR (ACL.ObjectType = 'RT::System' AND
ACL.ObjectId = '1')) AND ( (
ACL.PrincipalId = Principals.id AND ACL.PrincipalType = 'Group' AND
(Groups.Domain = 'SystemInternal' OR Groups.Domain = 'UserDefined' OR
Groups.Domain = 'ACLEquivalence' OR Groups.Domain = 'Personal')) )  LIMIT 1
58 Query       SELECT  * FROM CachedGroupMembers WHERE Disabled = '0'
AND GroupId = '24' AND MemberId = '1'
58 Query       SELECT  * FROM CachedGroupMembers WHERE Disabled = '0'
AND GroupId = '24' AND MemberId = '1'

I also noticed while looking at the tables that in the groups table the
new groups had a 0 in the 'Instance' column, where as all the old groups
didn't. This may not be relevant.

| id    | Name        | Description        |Domain      | Type |Instance   |
|    24 | ECE-ITS_old | ECE IT Support   | UserDefined |      |       |
| 22360 | ECE-ITS     | NULL            | UserDefined |      | 0      |
| 22361 | Public      | NULL            |UserDefined |      | 0        |

Yoav Daniely wrote:

>I have an RT installation version 3.4.1 that has been upgraded from rt
>I followed the upgrade path as documents and everything seemed fine until I
>had to remove a user from a group.
>When I remove the users httpd hangs on 80% CPU and I cannot access rt unless
>I restart apache.
>I enabled logging on mysql and I get the following line when removing the
>user (in an endless loop)
> 6 Query       SELECT  * FROM CachedGroupMembers WHERE MemberId = '1' AND
>GroupId = '36' AND Disabled = '0'
>When I run this query by hang I get an empty set.
>other logs are empty.
>Any Ideas? 
>            Yoav Daniely.
>RT Administrator and Developer training is coming to your town soon! (Boston, San Francisco, Austin, Sydney) Contact training at bestpractical.com for details.
>Be sure to check out the RT Wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com

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