[rt-users] Ticket Creation Failed

Dave Walters notoriousrev at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 3 10:27:28 EDT 2005

I have a problem with just 2 users within my organisation. Whenever either 
send an e-mail to any RT queue they always get a "Ticket Creation Failed" 
message back with no other info.

Both users are priviledged and are allowed to access WebRT. One user was 
created through the WebUI and the other was originally auto-created. All the 
queues they try to create tickets in have "Everyone" set with "create 
ticket" rights.

I "inherited" this sytem so I don't know when these users stopped being able 
to submit tickets by e-mail.

RT version is 3.0.7 running on FreeBSD 5.2.1



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