[rt-users] Login Screen

Tomas Doyle XA (DL/LMI) tomas.xa.doyle at ericsson.com
Thu Aug 11 05:23:02 EDT 2005

Hi RT users,

Almost installed by the looks of things.

In my browser im typing bxxx.xxx.eei.ericsson.se/rt

and im being brought to the login screen but then when i type in a user name and pass im being brought to the index page your almost there

this is my httpd.conf file  (the install is in folder /opt/rt3)

FastCgiIpcDir /tmp
FastCgiServer /opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi -idle-timeout 150 -processes 3 -listen-queue-depth 200 -priority 5

<VirtualHost> # RT for produktion
        ServerName bete.stp.eei.ericsson.se
        ServerAdmin root at bete.stp.eei.ericsson.se
        DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
          AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
        AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
        Alias /NoAuth/images/ /opt/rt3/share/html/NoAuth
        ScriptAlias /rt /opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi

and in RT_SiteConfig i have set the following

Set($WebPath , "/rt");

# This is the Scheme, server and port for constructing urls to webrt
# $WebBaseURL doesn't need a trailing /

Set($WebBaseURL , "bxxx.xxx.eei.ericsson.se:80");

Set($WebURL , $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . "/");

does this seem right to ye guys (well it cant be but its oh so close)

any suggestions

Kind Regards

Tomas Doyle

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