[rt-users] Retrieving values in a db table from within scrips

Stewart Tranter S.G.Tranter at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Dec 14 10:51:14 EST 2005

Todd Chapman wrote:
> See also these methods:
> RT::Record::Attributes
> RT::Record::AddAttribute
> RT::Record::SetAttribute
> RT::Record::DeleteAttribute
> RT::Record::FirstAttribute
> Because each RT::Queue ISA RT::Record, these methods can
> be used on a Queue to store and fetch attributes with any
> name you like to give them.

Sorry, now I'm even more confused!!!  :(

I still don't understand how to create the attribute and what values I 
*must* populate, e.g.

Content:  (obviously what I want to store)
ContentType:  Does this need to be a specific value?
ObjectType:  Does this need to be a specific value?

I'm also still confused how I will even create these attribute objects.

Sorry for being so dumb!


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