[rt-users] Turn priority escalation from day to hour

John Enok Vollestad John.Enok.Vollestad at nr.no
Tue Feb 8 05:23:45 EST 2005

Hugues Lepesant wrote:

> Hello,
> How ca I make the escalation of a priority increase sooner than each 
> day. For example every 2 hours ?

Believe this to not be possible to day.

Escalate-priority would need at parameter that specified that it should 
escalate for hours and not for days.  While one is at it one should 
perhaps just escalate for only working hours?  Also the labling of the 
escalation periode (due) has to be changed according to the escalation 
type.  "days/hours"

This would be nifty though :-)

John Enok Vollestad  |  System Administrator
jev at nr.no  |  +47 22 85 26 45
Norwegian Computing Center (NR)  |  http://www.nr.no/

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