[rt-users] Installing RT on Windows recommended?

Paula McGraw pmcgraw at aamc.org
Tue Feb 8 17:53:32 EST 2005

Running RT v3.0.12 on Windows.  Runs fine.  Have a single outstanding
item that I would like to resolve but haven't found the time to sit down
and take a look.  Content search doesn't work as advertised.  Logs
suggest that a bad SQL statement to blame.  Someday ...

Company has both Windows and Unix (Red Hat & Solaris) admins.  We share
ticketing system.  When offered the chance to migrate to *nix, the Unix
guys shrug their shoulders and take a pass.  Endorsement?  Probably not.
 I think they're just avoiding work but if the unix admins are happy
with functionality and performance that counts for something.

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