[rt-users] removing deleted tickets from the db

Brookes, Iris Iris.Brookes at tdsecurities.com
Tue Jul 5 10:28:35 EDT 2005

I'm using version 3.4.1 and I'm new to RT. Since installing RT 2 months ago, I've only been playing  with it and I've encountered problems trying to cleanup the db. I broke the db a few times and had to drop and rebuild it; so I think I've worked out the relationships between the tables affected. 

I don't know if it would be beneficial to anyone, but I do know it is to me.


-----Original Message-----
From: Filip Jonckers [mailto:fjonckers at Interconnect.be]
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 5:54 AM
To: Brookes, Iris; rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: RE: [rt-users] removing deleted tickets from the db

Great work Iris !!
can you confirm this works on version 3.4.2 ?

did someone already test this ?

this should be on the Wiki ;-)




	From: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com
[mailto:rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Brookes,
	Sent: maandag 4 juli 2005 23:12
	To: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
	Subject: [rt-users] removing deleted tickets from the db
	I've encountered some difficulties with RTx-shredder, so I wrote
the following SQL script which resolved my problem in removing deleted
tickets and I would like to share it.
	-- this script will delete all tickets and corresponding
objects/records where the status of the ticket is "deleted"
	-- this script can be modified as needed
	-- the tables affected in ticket(s) cleanup are:
	--          attachments, cachedgroupmembers, groups,
objectcustomfieldvalues, transactions and tickets
	-- and should be executed in the same order
	-- note the relationship between each table
	delete attachments where transactionid in (select id from
transactions where objecttype like 'RT::Ticket' and objectid in (select
effectiveid from tickets where type like 'ticket' and status like
	delete cachedgroupmembers where groupid in (select id from
groups where domain like 'RT::Ticket-Role' and instance in (select
effectiveid from tickets where type like 'ticket' and status like
	delete groups where domain like 'RT::Ticket-Role' and instance
in (select effectiveid from tickets where type like 'ticket' and status
like 'deleted');
	delete objectcustomfieldvalues where objecttype like
'RT::Ticket' and objectid in (select effectiveid from tickets where type
like 'ticket' and status like 'deleted');
	delete transactions where objecttype like 'RT::Ticket' and
objectid in (select effectiveid from tickets where type like 'ticket'
and status like 'deleted');
	delete tickets where type like 'ticket' and status like

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