[rt-users] Problem with users who use email and SelfService

Drew Barnes barnesaw at ucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu
Wed Jul 20 08:33:18 EDT 2005

Kogami, Bruce wrote:

>I have users who email help tickets to RT and these same users will also
>use SelfService to view and submit new tickets.
>When a new user emails a ticket to RT, it automatically creates an
>account for them.
>Username: newuser at domain.com
>Email Address: newuser at domain.com
>When they access SelfService and create a new ticket, they are assigned
>another new username.
>Username: newuser
>Email Address: <blank>
I would see about getting the LDAP Auth up and running, assuming you 
can.  AD should work, as well as a other LDAP setups.  There's several 
flavors that work.  They are all detailed on the wiki and elsewhere on 
the list.

>The email address is blank because it was already used when RT created
>their account when the user submitted a ticket through email.
>This seems to create two problems.
>1. The email address is blank when using SelfService they will not get
>any reply messages
>2. They are not able to view open tickets sent in by email since the
>username from email and SelfService is different.
>Is there a way to setup SelfService so that when the user creates a new
>ticket, the username is in the format: newuser at domain.com instead of
>just new user. My goal is to have SelfService use the same account as
>the one that was generated when they sent in email to RT. If they've
>never sent in a ticket using email, then SelfService would then create a
>new account in the format: newuser at domain.com and assign an email
>address: newuser at domain.com.
The other option here is to have newuser be the username with 
newuser at domain.com as the email associated with that username.  I'm not 
sure what I've done on my end, but that is how it works for me.  I'll 
have to check and see if we have any local customizations, but I can't 
recall any.

>Maybe I'm not using RT correctly and maybe someone could set me
>This E-mail is confidential.  It should not be read, copied, disclosed or used by any person other than the intended recipient.  Unauthorized use, disclosure or copying by whatever medium is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have received this E-mail in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the E-mail from your system.
>Be sure to check out the RT Wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com

Drew Barnes
Applications Analyst
Raymond Walters College
University of Cincinnati

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