[rt-users] Tickets I requested at a glance

Shin Imai shin.imai at etimestech.jp
Wed Jul 27 06:07:07 EDT 2005


I was trying to display "Tickets I requested" in RT at a glance. 
I'm not really successful yet.

What I did was that I just created file as below:
        title => loc("[_1] newest Tickets I requested", $rows),
        title_href => "Search/Results.html".$QueryString &>
<& /Elements/TicketList,
        Format => "'<a href=\"$RT::WebPath/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__\">__id__</a>/TITLE:#', '<a href=\"$RT::WebPath/
Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__\">__Subject__</a>/TITLE:Subject', QueueName, ExtendedStatus, CreatedRelative, '<A HREF=\"$
RT::WebPath/Ticket/Display.html?Action=Take&id=__id__\">".loc('Take')."</a>/TITLE: ' ",
        Query => $Query,
        OrderBy => 'Created',
        Order => 'DESC',
        ShowNavigation => 0,
        Rows => $rows

my $rows = $RT::MyRequestsLength;

my $Query = "Requestors = '' AND ( Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open')";

my $QueryString = '?' . $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString',
            Query => $Query,
            Order => 'DESC',
            OrderBy => 'Created') if ($Query);

And I edit index.html.

If I put an email address of a user in Requestors I get the list of
tickets which the user requested.
So what I need is that I want to get the variable value of email address
of the currently logged-in user. 

Does anyone know how to do it?


Shin Imai <shin.imai at etimestech.jp>

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