[rt-users] Merge tickets based on Subject (but without ticket tag)

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 9 03:00:06 EDT 2005

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 04:58:27PM +1000, Adrian Carter wrote:
> Okies,
>    What I want to do is have incoming e-mail scan the subject and then 
> look for it based on the regexp of the subject to id the ticket first.. 
> Reason being I have a few systems that generate incoming e-mails to me 
> that contain their own unique ticket id but obviously 3 emails from the 
> system currently generates 3 new tickets as they dont pre-pend our 
> ticket id. Since their id is both unique to a case and common to all 
> e-mails, i want to assign the ticket id based on this.
>    Where do I need to fudge RT? :) I think doing it pre-ticket creation 
> is the key, because merging them generates needles increasses in the 
> ticket_id seed (as I get on avg 4 emails per incident from the external 
> sources)

We're putting the finishing touches on an RT extension to do just this.
I expect the rest of the test suite will land tomorrow, then we'll get
it out there.

> -- 
> Adrian Carter
> Technical Manager
> Leading Edge Internet
> Web	  http://www.lei.net.au http://support.lei.net.au
> Direct    +61 2 6163 6162  Support 1 300 662 415
> E-mail    cartera at lei.net.au
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