[rt-users] Out of the box configuration guide? Also, importing from Excel?

John Kaczala johnk at upocnetworks.com
Fri Jun 10 14:55:31 EDT 2005

Hi all,
            I've been lurking for a few days now and have been doing
some basic RT research on the Wiki and web.  I'm hoping to get a full RT
installation up and running here to manage workflow and bug tracking for
our Ops, Customer Service, and Engineering groups.  Yesterday the Ops
group set up a pilot Windows box for me with the windows install of RT
and I'm starting to play with it and see what it'll take to implement
workflow, etc.  Once I'm convinced that this is the right tool for us,
they'll build a "real" install on a Linux box. 
Anyhow, I haven't found answers to the following questions and am
wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction:
            -Is anyone aware of, or does anyone have a guide for basic
RT configuration out of the box, for things such as setting up queues,
groups, etc.?  I'm more of a project manager with a basic unix user
background, but not really hardcore unix admin experience (have never
written any Perl either).  I'd like to be able to do as much of this all
as I can myself without draining our ops team's already scarce
resources.  From what I see on the Wiki, there's a lot of info for how
to write scrips, etc.  I'm looking for something more along the lines of
discussions/suggestions for how to model the queues.
            -Is there a facility for seeding RT with tickets via an
import function?  I'm currently maintaining an Excel spreadsheet with
about a dozen fields that I'd like to bring into RT.  I haven't found
any discussion of importing existing tickets but don't doubt that
someone else has had this problem and solved it already.
I'm pretty sure the forthcoming RT book from O'Reilly will answer my
questions, but I need to get this project moving before that comes out.
I thank you all in advance for reading my post and for providing me with
any help that you can.
John Kaczala
Upoc Networks, Inc.
536 Broadway, 3rd Floor
New York, NY  10012
johnk at upocnetworks.com
646-291-6279 (office)
Upoc handle: jsk
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