[rt-users] Cannot Load Ticket Error

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Wed Jun 22 09:56:03 EDT 2005

At Wednesday 6/22/2005 09:04 AM, Ahalya_Nathan at mudnebr.com wrote:

>Hi all,
>I get this error..can someone tell what is going on since i am new to RT 
>and really seems strange as to  what could be going wrong since i haven't 
>changed anything.
><http://webtlh01.mudnebr.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=<HTML>1169#>X  RT Error
>Could not load ticket <HTML>1169


Ther error message just means there's no ticket with the specified ID. The 
HTML in your email makes it hard to tell what's going on - it looks like 
you specified ticket id as "<HTML>1169" - could you post the exact URL you 
requested to get this error?


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