[rt-users] MyRequests apparent bug

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Mar 6 18:55:52 EST 2005

On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 10:41:55AM +1100, Rick Measham wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 04:59, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > Right. So, asume there are 100,000 tickets in the database. The
> > performance issue alone makes it a no-go.
> Before I go ahead, please poke holes in this thought:
> I can get a list of Queues for which CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket').
> I will then add limit the tickets returned in MyRequests to tickets from
> these queues.

What if the Requestors or AdminCcs have the right ShowTicket? That's a
pretty standard case. And what about an RT instance with 50 queues. How
long can your SQL statement safely get?

> Am I missing something obvious here? Would there be a reason why a user
> could see a queue but not a particular ticket in that queue? Would there
> be a ticket he could see in a queue he could not see? If so would these
> only be ultra-rare edge cases?
> Cheers!
> Rick


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