[rt-users] 3.0->3.4 rt-setup-database schema authentication

Troy Davis troy at nack.net
Mon Mar 21 19:52:18 EST 2005

In upgrading from 3.0.11 to 3.4.1, the rt-setup-database script works as
expected with "--action acl" and "--action schema", but "--action insert"
fails authentication (for all etc/upgrade/ version scripts).

The root password works fine on the other 2 steps and mysql CLI.  I'm
using Perl 5.8.4, DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.22.  

Here's a transcript.  Didn't see this problem mentioned in the wiki or
archives.  Anyone have ideas?  If not, I'll dig in..

root at rt rt-3.4.1 # /usr/local/rt-3-4-1/sbin/rt-setup-database --dba root --prompt-for-dba-password --action insert --datadir etc/upgrade/3.3.0/
In order to create or update your RT database,this script needs to connect
to your mysql instance on localhost as root.
Please specify that user's database password below. If the user has no
password, just press return.

DBI connect('dbname=rt3-test;host=localhost','root',...) failed: Access denied for user: 'root at localhost' (Using password: YES) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 98
Connect Failed Access denied for user: 'root at localhost' (Using password: YES) at /usr/local/rt-3-4-1/lib/RT.pm line 168


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