[rt-users] Bypassing Local mason components

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Wed May 18 16:04:43 EDT 2005

At Wednesday 5/18/2005 12:00 PM, Todd Chapman wrote:
>I would like to create a mason Local component (/opt/rt3/local/html/MyComp)
>that will decide to either handle the request or pass it off to
>the original component (/opt/rt3/share/html/MyComp) to handle.
>What's the easiest way to do this? I want to call the actual original
>component and not duplicate it's functionality.
>Can I just call the original component with an absolute path
>and my args? I guess I need some way to re-call the component
>but bypass the local system.

I wonder if you could do something funky with a sym link? Create 
local/html/MyCompLink that points to share/html/MyComp and have your local 
MyComp call local MyCompLink when it needs to call the original component.

I suspect this won't work . If you find a solution I'd be interested to 
hear about it.


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