[rt-users] Announcing: RTx::RightsMatrix 0.02

Todd Chapman todd at chaka.net
Tue Nov 1 08:26:33 EST 2005

On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 12:11:24PM +0300, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> On 10/31/05, Todd Chapman <todd at chaka.net> wrote:
> > RTx::RightsMatrix is an extension for Request Tracker (RT) that
> > makes managing and understanding RT rights easier. Once installed
> > an RT administrator can access the interface under Configuration ->
> > Tools -> Rights Matrix. If you have lots of queues, groups, or
> > custom fields, RTx::RightsMatrix should make managing RT's rights
> > much easier.
> >
> > Users can also see and manage rights under Preferences -> My Rights.
> > (Note: The user menu requires RT > 3.4.4 or a callback must be
> > added to UserTabs)
> >
> > RTx::RightsMatrix also includes support for mananging Asset Tracker
> > (AT) rights. AT is an asset tracking extension for RT.
> >
> > New in 0.02: Managment of rights on Groups
> >
> > (It may take an hour to reach CPAN)
> > http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/H/HT/HTCHAPMAN/RTx-RightsMatrix-0.02.tgz
> >
> Your server set page encoding in headers to latin-1, plese force
> guest's language to EN.
> And when I click on some 'Y' in matrix, I get error, for example next link:
> http://rt.chaka.net//Admin/Tools/RightsMatrix/TypeRightsMatrix.html?WhereFrom=1&PrincipalId=26&ObjectId=4&ObjectType=RTx::AssetTracker::Type&Right=RetireAsset

Thanks. Temporarily fixed and will be permanently fixed in the next
release. One of the components needs to be renamed.

> >
> > You can also see it in action at the public Asset Tracker demo. (Although the public demo doesn't really show it off well because of the limited number of queues and groups, but it does get the idea across.)
> >
> > http://rt.chaka.net/Admin/Tools/RightsMatrix/AssetRightsMatrix.html?user=guest&pass=guest
> > http://rt.chaka.net/Admin/Tools/RightsMatrix/AssetCFRightsMatrix.html?user=guest&pass=guest
> >
> > Please send feedback!
> >
> > -Todd
> >
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> >
> > Buy your copy of our new book, RT Essentials, today!
> >
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> >
> --
> Best regards, Ruslan.

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