[rt-users] Page Load Hangs in 3.4.4

Anthony Lincoln ahlincoln at lbl.gov
Tue Nov 1 15:51:08 EST 2005

I've come across an interesting situation where impatient users get 
punished for clicking around too fast.  If a page load is interrupted, 
especially one returning a good-sized chunk of data (like a ticket 
search or detail), the socket connection gets put into a CLOSE_WAIT 
state that takes a *long* time (hours) to go away.  For that user, RT 
becomes unusable until s/he restarts the browser, at which point 
everything is fine again.

Apparently this is a known HTTP flaw, but it is much more pronounced 
here than on any of my other webapps (none of which use Mason).  Both 
the web and database servers have plenty of CPU/RAM/swap, etc.  Anything 
I can do to speed up database queries and pageloads?  Sorry this 
question is so general, but so is the problem.

RT 3.4.4
Apache 1.3.33
Solaris 8



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