[rt-users] Performance with many attachments and transactions

Kevin Murphy murphy at genome.chop.edu
Thu Nov 17 12:50:26 EST 2005

Jesse Vincent wrote:

>>The ticket's html source is 113,683 bytes and is sent over a 100Mbit/sec 
>>LAN.  The time for my browser (Firefox) to receive and render a static 
>>version of the ticket page from the same web server is well under a 
>>second.  So query, transmission, and rendering time is <= 2 seconds, 
>>perl squirrelling is ~ 11-12 seconds.  Seems like a lot, somehow.
>I'd put (small amounts of) money on the problem here being the
>colorization of the different levels of quoted message.
That doesn't seem to be it.  I poked around, and in 
ShowTransactionAttachments, I commented out the following two lines:

                eval { $content = Text::Quoted::extract($content); };
                if ($@) { 1; }

After restarting, I can see that the quoted passages in comments are no 
longer colorized, but the speed is the same.  (There are only a dozen 
instances of quoting, anyway).  There are 15 file attachments on this 
ticket, BTW -- not sure if that's unusual.

Is this worth continuing to investigate, or should we just start setting 
aside money for a new server ;-) ?

Kevin Murphy

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