[rt-users] Ticket missing from database

Mike Friedman mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Nov 30 11:20:27 EST 2005

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 at 16:46 (+0300), Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

> I don't understand your problem, but
> 1) you can't search deleted tickets by id
> 2) you can view it by #id
> 3) 3.4.3 has patch that allows you to get deleted tickets from script.


First of all, the script I have to list deleted tickets uses the RT API 
and just does a Load of each ticket by ID in a loop.  And this does work.

But the problem is that certain tickets can't be loaded by ID, either from 
my script or from the web interface.  In the latter case, I get the 
message 'Can't load ticket nnnn ...'.  The ticket really seems to be gone. 
Yet greater ticket numbers continue to be created in the db, so that's why 
I can't understand where those missing tickets went.  I've thus far found 
at least a couple of 'gaps' in my RT's ticket sequencing, i.e., ticket 
numbers that simply can't be loaded.  I assume those tickets existed at 
one point, or else later ticket numbers wouldn't have been assigned by RT.

What could cause tickets to just disappear, or at least not be able to be 


Mike Friedman                   System and Network Security
mikef at ack.Berkeley.EDU          2484 Shattuck Avenue
1-510-642-1410                  University of California at Berkeley
http://ack.Berkeley.EDU/~mikef  http://security.berkeley.edu

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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