[rt-users] RT SVN Integration PullUpdate.html unknown user error

Max btmanmeh at verizon.net
Mon Oct 3 17:14:32 EDT 2005

I've successfully installed the RT::SVN::Integration options, setup 
everything appropriately according to the README, and I'm getting the 
following errors with it dying on line 44 when trying to use curl and 
the webpath, as an unknown user:

error:  Unknown user at /opt/rt3/share/html/SVN/PullUpdate.html line 44.
40:  	$user->LoadByCols( Gecos => $actor );
41:  	}
43:  	unless ( $user->id ) {
44:  	die "Unknown user";
45:  	}
47:  	my $ticket;
48:  	my $update_msg = '';
code stack:  	/opt/rt3/share/html/SVN/PullUpdate.html:44

I have setup a privileged user from within RT as said in the README. If 
I call svn from a command line, say: /usr/bin/svn log http://svn/repos/ 
-r 112, all goes well and it returns what it's supposed to. I also have 
the proper configurations in RT_SiteConfig as:

# RT-Subversion
Set($PathToSvn, '/usr/bin/svn');
Set($SvnRepository, 'http://svn/repos/');

I'm calling it just normally with the post-commit hook:
curl "http://rt/rt/SVN/PullUpdate.html?user=user&pass=password&rev=$REV" &

I'm supplying the correct username and password that the user has been 
setup from within RT as, with the same format as the README. Is this 
something strictly with an RT configuration, RT and Apache 
configurations, or am I just plainly missing something simple? Thanks.


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