[rt-users] Re: How do I create a new .po file?

Stewart Tranter S.G.Tranter at lboro.ac.uk
Thu Oct 6 07:16:46 EDT 2005

Stewart Tranter wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I want to create my own Loughborough University English "po" file and I 
> cannot remember how this should be done.  I know it's got something to 
> do with "extract-message-catalog", but that's about it.  I've searched 
> the wiki and list archives with no luck, can anyone give me a brief 
> description of what needs to be done?
> I'm running RT 3.5.5 on FC4, Apache2, mod_perl 2.0.1, mysql 4.1.12, perl 
>  5.8.6, HTML::Mason 1.3101.

Surely someone can help me??  Pleeeeaaaassseeee!  I will write a Wiki 
entry when I learn how to do it! :)

Thanks in advance,


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