[rt-users] End users Replying to resolved tickets...

Panu panu at colorplaza.com
Tue Sep 6 10:44:22 EDT 2005

rt-users-request at lists.bestpractical.com wrote:
>>"If a user replies to a resolved ticket with only "thanks" in the body,
>>accept the message back but dont re-open the ticket. We still see the
>>email come through but dont need to re-resolve the ticket."
> Yes, you could do it:
> * you should create new scrip that resolve ticket if status changes
> from resolved to open and message contains thanks...

Maybe it could also be checked if a certain string exists or not on the 

So on the resolved ticket message there's a text for example:

remove the following to re-open this resolved ticket: reopenticket

and then the reply is checked for that string and if it's still there it 
will not reopen the ticket.

Atleast it requires some effort to have it reopened. This would work at 
least on our intallation because all of our users could be educated.


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