[rt-users] Collapse email reply quotes

ken robertson rt at kenrobertson.com
Fri Apr 14 21:34:21 EDT 2006

nate said the following on 2006-04-15 04:21:

> We've been using RT for a couple months now quite happily, I just have a
> small feature request to make.  One thing that I noticed is that during
> back-and-forth correspondence with people through email, the length of
> the quoted text in people's replies grows very large.  I'm talking about
> the lines they're replying to that start with one or more '>'
> characters.  Gmail has a nice feature where it will collapse all that
> text automatically, but let you click on a button to expand it if you
> want.  Would it be possible to add a feature like this to RT?  I've
> looked around a bit and not seen any discussion on this before.

G'day Nate,
It's not the answer you're asking about, but there are utilities for 
Outlook, OE, & Thunderbird that address this topic.

OE & Outlook are dealt with by:

Thunderbird has a couple of extensions:
Quote Colors 0.2.7
QuoteCollapse 0.7


Murphy's Second Law: Everything takes longer than you think.

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