[rt-users] Single queue with "no-return-mail" policy?

Alan Clegg alan at clegg.com
Sat Aug 5 14:25:07 EDT 2006

Greetings again, fellow RT-Users... I have what I think should be a simple
issue, but I've not been able to find a concrete example..

The way that RT sends out e-mail on ticket opening is perfect for every
application that we have, save one.

I would like to feed nagios alerts into RT.  Not a problem so-far, right?

The issue is that the "From:" on the nagios alerts is our NOC mail address
and I'm not able to change that (people often reply to Nagios alerts alerting
other NOC employees of what is going on, etc).

I'd like to set the queue that gets the Nagios alerts to NOT send back "a
ticket has been opened" messages.  On the other hand, I don't want to have to
individually set all the other queues to fire the scrip that sends out
"ticket open" mail (ie, no change to the global scrip pool).

So... if I create a scrip for the "Nagios" queue that does NOT send e-mail on
ticket creation, does that over-ride the global scrip, or do both of them

I've considered using a procmail recipe to run formail and change the
incoming headers before RT gets ahold of it, but to avoid complexity,
I'd rather just do it all in RT.

Any hints?

                                           | Alan Clegg, CISSP, IAM
                                           | Hosted Solutions, Inc.
                                           |    +1-919-882-3039

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