[rt-users] 3.6 to 3.6.1 server migration

Helmuth Ramirez HelmuthRamirez at compupay.com
Fri Aug 18 08:58:03 EDT 2006

Hi All,
  I am planning our RT move from our pilot hardware to our production
hardware (fresh box just for RT :).  I found a great article in the wiki
for the server migration
(http://wiki.bestpractical.com/index.cgi?MigrateToNewServer ).  

My question is about 3.6 and 3.6.1 though.

I believe I read there were some changes made to the database in 3.6.1,
is this change something I can change to my current 3.6 db and just put
it over on my new machine running 3.6.1?  Or is it a change I'll need to
"upgrade" to as suggested in the article?

Many thanks!

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