[rt-users] How to send a one-shot email on ticket creation

Jason Long jlong at messiah.edu
Wed Dec 20 13:47:30 EST 2006

Thomas Dietmaier wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am looking for a custom scrip action to send an email to a fixed address on creation of a ticket. The recipient should not become a watcher on the ticket. I did not manage to scavenge some code from the wiki -- any pointers are much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Thomas Dietmaier.

I had to do this. I managed to do this (using RT 3.6.1) by adding an 
action called "Send Email". This is a database edit. I used an install 
file like this:

# Used to install a scrip action.
# To install,
# execute
#     /path/to/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert \
#         --datafile /path/to/SendEmailAction.install
@ScripActions = (
     { Name        => 'Send Email',
       Description => 'Sends a message to those specified in the template',
       ExecModule  => 'SendEmail',
       Argument    => '' },

Then create a template that looks something like this:

To: user1 at example.org, user2 at example.org
Bcc: user3 at example.org
Subject: {$Ticket->Subject}

A ticket has been created in (or moved to) this queue.




Finally, create a scrip for "on create", action "send email", and 
specify your template. The template specifies who receives the email.


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