[rt-users] Why does RT crash with RT::Attribute::Name?

Nathan, Ahalya Ahalya_Nathan at mudnebr.com
Mon Feb 13 09:34:40 EST 2006

How do I find which version I am running? 

Ahalya Nathan
Senior Programmer / Analyst
Information Technology, Metropolitan Utilities District 
(402) 504-7180 phone
(402) 504-5180 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Vincent [mailto:jesse at bestpractical.com] 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:17 PM
To: Nathan, Ahalya
Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Why does RT crash with RT::Attribute::Name?

What version of DBIx::SearchBuilder are you running?

On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 07:44:11AM -0600, Nathan, Ahalya wrote:
> Hi all,
> RT crashes with an Unimplemented RT::Attribute::Name method: 
>  457: else { 
>  458: my ($package, $filename, $line); 
>  459: ($package, $filename, $line) = caller; 
>  460: 
>  461: die "$AUTOLOAD Unimplemented in $package. ($filename line $line)
> \n"; 
>  462: } 
>  463: 
>  464: } 
>  465: 
>  ... 
>  code stack: 
>  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm:461 
>  /opt/rt-3.2.2-iris.ch/lib/RT/Attributes_Overlay.pm:99 
>  /opt/rt-3.2.2-iris.ch/lib/RT/Attributes_Overlay.pm:91 
>  /opt/rt-3.2.2-iris.ch/lib/RT/Attributes_Overlay.pm:106 
>  /opt/rt-3.2.2-iris.ch/lib/RT/Attributes_Overlay.pm:137 
> s:58 
>  /opt/rt-3.2.2-iris.ch/share/html/Search/Elements/EditSearches:70 
>  /opt/rt-3.2.2-iris.ch/share/html/Search/Build.html:88 
>  /opt/rt-3.2.2-iris.ch/share/html/autohandler:221
> I was trying to do a simple query of finding a ticket equal to 6636
> RT crashed with this error. I went to the homepage and then all
> working fine. Can anyone tell me why I am getting this?
> Thanks
> Ahalya Nathan
> Senior Programmer / Analyst
> Information Technology, Metropolitan Utilities District 
> (402) 504-7180 phone
> (402) 504-5180 fax

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