[rt-users] RT Web UI Authentication failing

Nairet Kenya Admin gatewayonline at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jan 6 04:47:51 EST 2006

Hello all,

I am a newbie with RT. We have just installed RT with
our company to use for internal help desk work.

We have installed it on a server that already had
Perl, PHP and Apache running. All was running fine
with about 10 priviledged users. Since the server is
used for other Perl applications, some of the Perl
modules were upgraded yesterday.

Unfortunately now, all RT users cannot login via the
web interface. It just gives an error:

Your username or password is incorrect

The users who were logged in by the time of the
upgrade and did not log out are still able to work.

The guy who did the upgrade of the Perl Modules via
CPAN did not leave any documentation on what he did.
His end is working but RT is broken. All I need to
know is someone to point me in the direction I should
look so that I can try and fix the authentication. We
are not using any external authentication.

The information for our install is:

Server: SuSE Linux 9.3:
MySQL: MySQL 4.1.10a
Perl: v5.8.6 built for i586-linux-thread-multi
RT: 3.4.4

Any assistance will be highly appreciated.



Nairet Kenya Moderator

Nairet Kenya Moderator

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