[rt-users] 3.5.6 - Search Options under Preferences defaults to Sort By AdminCC.EmailAddress

mark matyas mark at library.ucsc.edu
Fri Jan 6 13:42:39 EST 2006

Hello RT Users,
I don't mean to cross-post, but I didn't get a response from rt-devel a 
few days ago, so I'm going to try posting to rt-users instead.

We started using 3.5.6 and we have a minor problem when a user, any 
user, even  the superuser tries to modify anything in their Search 
Options in Preferences. What happens is that after they modify something 
like the Order By or add/remove columns, the Order By defaults to:
AdminCC.EmailAddress, ASC.
This cannot be changed in the Web UI. Attempts to modify the Order By
are futile as it resets to the above admincc.emailaddress Order By no
matter what you do.
Although it is a minor problem, it forces the user to use the Query
Builder which allows you to modify the default Display Options. If they
have attempted to change their Search Options and proceed to use Simple
Search (or use RT At A Glance), 0 tickets are always displayed because
of the AdminCc.EmailAddress Order BY (using Query Builder shows all
The only way I found to reset a user's Search Options was to manually
delete their Search-Display tuple from the Attributes relation.

Anybody ever report something like this? I don't get any errors in the
logs either... Could there have been an error during the upgrade? We
were using 3.2 then we upgraded to 3.4.4. About a week after that I
upgraded to 3.5.6 to fix the slow Query Builder problem. This is the
first problem we've had with 3.5.6, i.e. everything else is working
great (Well, apart from the harmless error messages that appear in the
logs when a user logs out - I already created a thread about this in
rt-users though). I'm appending our System Configuration generated by RT.

Thanks for any help,

Mark Matyas
UCSC University Library


Perl v5.8.5 under linux   Apache::Session v1.6;
Apache::Session::Generate::MD5 v2.1;  Apache::Session::Lock::MySQL
v1.00;  Apache::Session::MySQL v1.01;
Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable v1.00;  Apache::Session::Store::DBI
v1.02;  Apache::Session::Store::MySQL v1.04;  AutoLoader v5.60;  base
v2.06;  Benchmark v1.06;  bytes v1.01;  Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry
v0.23;  Carp v1.03;  CGI v3.05;  CGI::Cookie v1.24;  CGI::Fast v1.05;
CGI::Util v1.5;  Class::Container v0.12;  Class::Data::Inheritable
v0.02;  Class::ReturnValue v0.53;  Clone v0.18;  constant v1.04;  Cwd
v2.19;  Data::Dumper v2.121;  DBD::mysql v3.0002;  DBI v1.48;
DBIx::SearchBuilder v1.36;  DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union v0;
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Unique v0.01;  Devel::StackTrace v1.11;
Devel::StackTraceFrame v0.6;  Digest::base v1.00;  Digest::MD5 v2.33;
DynaLoader v1.05;  Encode v2.01;  Encode::Alias v2.00;  Encode::Config
v2.00;  Encode::Encoding v2.00;  Encode::Guess v2.00;  Encode::Unicode
v2.00;  Errno v1.09;  Exception::Class v1.21;  Exception::Class::Base
v1.2;  Exporter v5.58;  Exporter::Heavy v5.58;  FCGI v0.67;  Fcntl
v1.05;  fields v2.03;  File::Basename v2.73;  File::Glob v1.03;
File::Path v1.06;  File::Spec v0.87;  File::Spec::Unix v1.5;  File::Temp
v0.14;  FileHandle v2.01;  HTML::Entities v1.27;  HTML::Mason v1.3101;
HTML::Mason::CGIHandler v1.00;  HTML::Mason::Exception v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Abort v1.1;  HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation
v1.1;  HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation::IncompatibleCompiler v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compiler v1.1;  HTML::Mason::Exception::Decline
v1.1;  HTML::Mason::Exception::Params v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Syntax v1.1;  HTML::Mason::Exception::System
v1.1;  HTML::Mason::Exception::TopLevelNotFound v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::VirtualMethod v1.1;  HTML::Mason::Exceptions
v1.43;  HTML::Parser v3.35;  HTML::Scrubber v0.08;  I18N::LangTags
v0.33;  I18N::LangTags::Detect v1.03;  I18N::LangTags::List v0.29;
integer v1.00;  IO v1.21;  IO::File v1.10;  IO::Handle v1.24;
IO::InnerFile v2.110;  IO::Lines v2.110;  IO::Scalar v2.110;
IO::ScalarArray v2.110;  IO::Seekable v1.09;  IO::Wrap v2.110;
IO::WrapTie v2.110;  IPC::Open2 v1.01;  IPC::Open3 v1.0106;  lib
v0.5565;  List::Util v1.14;  locale v1.00;  Locale::Maketext v1.09;
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy v0.02;  Locale::Maketext::Lexicon v0.49;
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext v0.14;  Log::Dispatch v2.11;
Log::Dispatch::Base v1.09;  Log::Dispatch::File v1.22;
Log::Dispatch::Output v1.26;  Log::Dispatch::Screen v1.17;
Log::Dispatch::Syslog v1.18;  Mail::Address v1.67;  Mail::Field v1.67;
Mail::Field::AddrList v1.67;  Mail::Header v1.67;  Mail::Internet v1.67;
   MIME::Base64 v3.01;  MIME::Body v5.417;  MIME::Decoder v5.417;
MIME::Decoder::Binary v5.417;  MIME::Decoder::NBit v5.417;  MIME::Entity
v5.417;  MIME::Field::ContDisp v5.417;  MIME::Field::ConTraEnc v5.417;
MIME::Field::ContType v5.417;  MIME::Field::ParamVal v5.417;  MIME::Head
v5.417;  MIME::Parser v5.417;  MIME::QuotedPrint v3.01;  MIME::Tools
v5.417;  MIME::Words v5.417;  Module::Versions::Report v1.02;  overload
v1.01;  Params::Validate v0.78;  POSIX v1.08;  re v0.04;  Regexp::Common
v2.120;  Regexp::Common::_support v2.101;  Regexp::Common::balanced
v2.101;  Regexp::Common::CC v2.100;  Regexp::Common::comment v2.116;
Regexp::Common::delimited v2.104;  Regexp::Common::lingua v2.105;
Regexp::Common::list v2.103;  Regexp::Common::net v2.105;
Regexp::Common::number v2.108;  Regexp::Common::profanity v2.104;
Regexp::Common::SEN v2.102;  Regexp::Common::URI v2.108;
Regexp::Common::URI::fax v2.100;  Regexp::Common::URI::file v2.100;
Regexp::Common::URI::ftp v2.101;  Regexp::Common::URI::gopher v2.100;
Regexp::Common::URI::http v2.101;  Regexp::Common::URI::news v2.100;
Regexp::Common::URI::pop v2.100;  Regexp::Common::URI::prospero v2.100;
   Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1035 v2.100;  Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1738
v2.104;  Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1808 v2.100;
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2384 v2.102;  Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396
v2.100;  Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2806 v2.100;  Regexp::Common::URI::tel
v2.100;  Regexp::Common::URI::telnet v2.100;  Regexp::Common::URI::tv
v2.100;  Regexp::Common::URI::wais v2.100;  Regexp::Common::whitespace
v2.103;  Regexp::Common::zip v2.112;  RT v3.5.6;  RT::FM v2.2.0RC1;
RT::Interface::Email v1.02;  Scalar::Util v1.14;  SelectSaver v1.00;
Socket v1.77;  Storable v2.13;  strict v1.03;  Symbol v1.05;
Sys::Hostname v1.11;  Sys::Syslog v0.05;  Text::Autoformat v1.13;
Text::Quoted v1.8;  Text::Reform v1.11;  Text::Tabs v98.112801;
Text::Template v1.44;  Text::Wrapper v1.000;  Time::HiRes v1.55;
Time::JulianDay v2003.1125;  Time::Local v1.1;  Time::ParseDate
v2003.1126;  Time::Timezone v2003.0211;  Tree::Simple v1.15;  URI v1.30;
   URI::Escape v3.22;  URI::URL v5.03;  URI::WithBase v2.19;  utf8 v1.04;
   vars v1.01;  warnings v1.03;  warnings::register v1.00;  XML::Parser
v2.34;  XML::Parser::Expat v2.34;  XML::RSS v1.05;  XSLoader v0.02;


RT Variables
RT::AmbiguousDayInPast 1
RT::BasePath /opt/rt3
RT::BinPath /opt/rt3/bin
RT::CORE_CONFIG_FILE /opt/rt3/etc/RT_Config.pm
RT::CanonicalizeEmailAddressMatch rt.library.ucsc.edu$
RT::CanonicalizeEmailAddressReplace library.ucsc.edu
RT::CommentAddress RT_CommentAddressNotSet
RT::CorrespondAddress RT_CorrespondAddressNotSet
RT::DatabaseHost localhost
RT::DatabaseName rt3
RT::DatabasePassword Password not printed
RT::DatabaseRTHost localhost
RT::DatabaseType mysql
RT::DatabaseUser root
RT::DateDayBeforeMonth 1
RT::DefaultSearchResultFormat '<B><A
HREF="/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a></B>/TITLE:#', '<B><A
Status, QueueName, OwnerName, Priority, '__NEWLINE__', '',
'<small>__Requestors__</small>', '<small>__CreatedRelative__</small>',
'<small>__LastUpdatedRelative__</small>', '<small>__TimeLeft__</small>'
RT::DefaultSummaryRows 10
RT::EmailOutputEncoding utf-8
RT::EtcPath /opt/rt3/etc
RT::FriendlyFromLineFormat "%s via RT" <%s>
RT::FriendlyToLineFormat "%s of library.ucsc.edu Ticket #%s":;
RT::LinkTransactionsRun1Scrip 1
RT::LocalEtcPath /opt/rt3/local/etc
RT::LocalLexiconPath /opt/rt3/local/po
RT::LocalPath /opt/rt3/local
RT::LogDir /opt/rt3/var/log
RT::LogStackTraces 1
RT::LogToFile error
RT::LogToFileNamed rt.log
RT::LogToScreen error
RT::LogToSyslog debug
RT::LogoURL /NoAuth/images/bplogo.gif
RT::LoopsToRTOwner 1
RT::MailCommand sendmailpipe
RT::MasonComponentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
RT::MasonDataDir /opt/rt3/var/mason_data
RT::MasonLocalComponentRoot /opt/rt3/local/html
RT::MasonSessionDir /opt/rt3/var/session_data
RT::MaxAttachmentSize 10000000
RT::MaxInlineBody 13456
RT::MessageBoxWidth 72
RT::MessageBoxWrap HARD
RT::MinimumPasswordLength 5
RT::Organization rt.library.ucsc.edu
RT::OwnerEmail root
RT::RTAddressRegexp ^rt\@example.com$
RT::RecordOutgoingEmail 1
RT::RedistributeAutoGeneratedMessages privileged
RT::SITE_CONFIG_FILE /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
RT::SendmailArguments -oi -t
RT::SendmailBounceArguments -f "<>"
RT::SendmailPath /usr/sbin/sendmail
RT::Timezone US/Pacific
RT::UseFriendlyFromLine 1
RT::VarPath /opt/rt3/var
RT::WebBaseURL http://rt.library.ucsc.edu
RT::WebDefaultStylesheet 3.5-default
RT::WebFlushDbCacheEveryRequest 1
RT::WebImagesURL /NoAuth/images/
RT::WebPort 80
RT::WebURL http://rt.library.ucsc.edu/
RT::rtname library.ucsc.edu


Perl configuration
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 5) configuration:
      osname=linux, osvers=2.4.21-27.0.2.elsmp,
      uname='linux decompose.build.redhat.com 2.4.21-27.0.2.elsmp #1 smp
wed jan 12 23:35:44 est 2005 i686 i686 i386 gnulinux '
      config_args='-des -Doptimize=-O2 -g -pipe -m32 -march=i386
-mtune=pentium4 -Dversion=5.8.5 -Dmyhostname=localhost
-Dperladmin=root at localhost -Dcc=gcc -Dcf_by=Red Hat, Inc.
-Dinstallprefix=/usr -Dprefix=/usr -Darchname=i386-linux
-Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dsiteprefix=/usr -Duseshrplib -Dusethreads
-Duseithreads -Duselargefiles -Dd_dosuid -Dd_semctl_semun -Di_db
-Ui_ndbm -Di_gdbm -Di_shadow -Di_syslog -Dman3ext=3pm -Duseperlio
-Dinstallusrbinperl -Ubincompat5005 -Uversiononly -Dpager=/usr/bin/less
-isr -Dinc_version_list=5.8.4 5.8.3 5.8.2 5.8.1 5.8.0'
      hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
      usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define
      useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
      use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
      usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
      cc='gcc', ccflags ='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBUGGING
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/gdbm',
      optimize='-O2 -g -pipe -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4',
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/gdbm'
      ccversion='', gccversion='3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)',
      intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
      d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
      ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
      alignbytes=4, prototype=define
    Linker and Libraries:
      ld='gcc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
      libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
      libs=-lnsl -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
      perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
      libc=/lib/libc-2.3.4.so, so=so, useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.so
    Dynamic Linking:
      dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E
      cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

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