[rt-users] Problems installing RT 3.4.5 with mod_perl2

Joerg Heidbrock heidbrock at werum.de
Fri Jan 27 02:46:09 EST 2006

Thank you very much, this solved my problem.

What I don't understand ist that my CGI.pm-Version is 3.15 which seems 
to be not compatible with mod_perl2 or RT-3.4.5.


Paulo Matos schrieb:
> On Thu, 26 Jan 2006, Joerg Heidbrock wrote:
> heidbr> I'm trying to get RT-3.4.5 installed on Fedora Core 3 with Apache2 and
> heidbr> mod_perl2 (2.0.2).
> (...) 
> heidbr> Has anyone an idea?
> I think the problem is the CGI.pm version, that should be >=3.11, I had 
> the same problem and I solved it by installing it on a different location,
> see: 
> http://campus.fct.unl.pt/paulomatos/rt/repository/3.4.x/repodata/repoview/perl-CGI.pm-0-3.11-1.mp2.html
> If you need download the SRPM, from:
> http://campus.fct.unl.pt/paulomatos/rt/repository/3.4.x/SRPMS/perl-CGI.pm-3.11-1.mp2.src.rpm
> and rebuild it, under FC3.
> The file /etc/httpd/conf.d/perlx-cgi.conf, has a hack for mod_perl search 
> for modules before on this location.

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