[rt-users] Custom Field issue

John A. Walker jawalk00 at uky.edu
Thu Jun 8 13:04:09 EDT 2006

Kenn - Thanks for taking the time to respond.  It is greatly 
appreciated.  Let me explain a little more and then you can let me know if 
what you're doing would still apply.  In essence we were wanting the user, 
as they create the ticket, to be able to select the person that needed to 
approve the ticket.  We did this by creating a custom field with the list 
of users that can approve a ticket.    Once a user creating the ticket 
selected a person to approve, the ticket create process would also create 
the approval request for the person selected as the approver.

I can't tell for sure but I'm thinking that you have a certain group of 
users that are allowed to look in the approval queue and users simply 
submit approvals into this queue?  If I've misunderstood how your situation 
works let me know.  Perhaps what you are doing would work for our 
situation.  The key to our situation is the need to have a ticket creator 
be able to select the user they want to approve a ticket.  If that can be 
done with your method and you have the time please give me a little more 

Thanks again.


>    You seem to have gone to a lot of work to get some form of approvals 
> going with certain people being allowed to do that, but it looks to me 
> like you went the long way around the barn. Without ANY PERL scrips or 
> anything, I have a Queue set aside for approvals, it receives requests by 
> any group (of users) allowed or the group that "supports" 
> (Approvals-Support) with the right privileges can create, own, whatever 
> the needs are to/for a request. Then when approved, they (the approvers) 
> merely change the owner to "nobody" and change the Queue to where the 
> requests belongs. Everything is in history under the same ticket number 
> (great for auditors). By creating all this code, you may have created a 
> house of cards that will be difficult to maintain, whereas by using RT 
> as-is, we have much less maintenance to perform. Think about it. I really 
> have no advice to give about all the extra code.

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