[rt-users] 3.6.x: http/https with the same RT instance?

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 12 10:34:58 EDT 2006

At Friday 6/9/2006 08:04 PM, Ole Craig wrote:
>Is it possible to provide http and https access to the same RT instance
>without running completely separate configuration trees and mason
>I have a setup now where the only difference between the http instance
>and the https instance is that the former is defined within a
><VirtualHost *:80> container and the latter is within a <VirtualHost
>_default_:443> container. Most things seem to work seamlessly; the only
>exception (and it's a doozy) I've found so far is the "create" button
>from the "new ticket in ___ queue" screen. Is there a reason this button
>needs to force a canonical URL instead of using a relative?
>The reason I'd like to provide plaintext http is to avoid the SSL
>performance hit for internal users, but I'd like external users to be
>able to connect securely. Do I really need a duplicate setup to do that?

I'd be really surprised if SSL caused so much of a difference in 
performance that it would be worth the effort of figuring out and 
maintaining this setup. Do you have any measurements for the performance "hit"?


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