[rt-users] Solution: RT level email blocking

Phil plabonte at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 10:21:50 EDT 2006

Thanks to all your help.
This is the solution I came up with for my fetchmail/promail/RT email
blocking issue, basically I wanted th ability to block emails from certain
individuals, however I did not have access to do this on the email server
that handles our mail.

This is my .fetchmailrc file:
poll mail.server.ca with proto pop3 timeout 200 user 'rt' password '12345'
is 'rt at localhost' here

This is my .forward file:

This is my .procmailrc file:
* ^From:.*bad at user.com*

* ^TOrt@
| /usr/local/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue CustomerSupport --action correspond

And I run the fetchmail program as follows:
fetchmail -m "/usr/bin/procmail -f %F"

So this in effect forwards all emails to the rt-mailgate script except for
the email from bad at user.com

I hope this helps other people trying to get somethign like this working

Thanks again

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