[rt-users] Pulling CustomFieldValues

Mathew Snyder theillien at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 29 03:01:15 EST 2006

btw, RT is v3.6.1


Mathew Snyder wrote:
> Wow, that did help.  That cleared up a lot of confusion for me.  Now I have the
> following code:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use lib "/usr/local/rt-3.6.1/lib";
> use RT;
> use RT::CustomField;
> use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv);
> CleanEnv();
> RT::LoadConfig();
> RT::Init();
> my $cf_name = "Profiles";
> my $cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT::SystemUser);
> $cf->Load($cf_name);
> my $cfv;
> while ($cfv = $cf->Next) {
>     print $cfv->Name . "\n";
> }
> exit;
> When I run this I get:
> [Wed Nov 29 11:34:20 2006] [crit]: RT::CustomField::Next Unimplemented in main.
> (./profiles.pl line 18)  (/usr/local/rt-3.6.1/lib/RT.pm:317)
> RT::CustomField::Next Unimplemented in main. (./profiles.pl line 18)
> How is it unimplemented if I'm using RT::CustomField?
> Thanks,
> Mathew
> Garry T. Williams wrote:
>> On Thursday 23 November 2006 03:36, Mathew Snyder wrote:
>>> This is beginning to make my head hurt.  I assume by loading up a
>>> CustomField object you mean use the Load subroutine in
>>> CustomField_Overlay.pm.  There is a subroutine called Load that
>>> checks if an ID or Name is provided.  So would it be:
>>> my $cf_id = RT::CustomField->Load(Name => "Profiles");
>>> This is confusing.
>> Yes, it is.  But it's not too bad, once you get used to the
>> conventions used in RT.
>> Create a new CustomField object:
>>     my $cf = RT::CustomField->new($session{CurrentUser});
>> Load it from a particular custom field (using its name):
>>     $cf->LoadByName(Name => $cf_name);
>> Now you can ask it to return its id value:
>>     my $cf_id = $cf->Id();
>> You also correctly found that the RT::CustomField object has a Load()
>> method that takes either the id (the thing we want, but don't have) or
>> a name.  But that method doesn't take a key value pair -- it just
>> takes the id or name.  So the above $cf->LoadByName(Name => $cf_name)
>> can be this instead:
>>     $cf->Load($cf_name);
>> The Load() method will load by name, if its parameter is not an
>> integer.
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