[rt-users] 3.6.1 Search - highest priority tickets for my department

Jared Hanks jmhanks1373 at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 4 15:02:59 EDT 2006

I upgraded from 3.4.3 to 3.6.1 and found the way the Homepage searches are 
done are is different between the two versions.  In 3.4.3 I had a custom 
search for "Highest priority tickets in my department".  In 3.4.3 I created 
a local/html/Elements/MyGroupTickets with the following:
        title => loc('[_1] highest priority tickets in my department', 
        title_href => "Search/Results.html".$QueryString &>
<& /Elements/TicketList,
        Format => "'<a 
href=\"$RT::WebPath/Ticket/Display.html?id=__id__\">__id__</a>/TITLE:#', '<a 
Priority, QueueName, ExtendedStatus, LastUpdated",

        Query => $Query,
        OrderBy => 'Priority',
        Order => 'DESC',
        Rows => $rows,
        ShowNavigation => 0
my $rows = $RT::MyTicketsLength;

my $UserObjId = $session{'CurrentUser'}->Id;
my $UserObj = RT::User->new(RT::CurrentUser->new($RT::SystemUser));
my $UserLoaded = $UserObj->Load($UserObjId);
my $MyGroupObj = $UserObj->OwnGroups;
my $MyFirstGroupObj = $MyGroupObj->Next;
my $MyFirstGroupObjId = $MyFirstGroupObj->Id;
my $MyFirstGroupObjName = $MyFirstGroupObj->Name;
my $Query = " Queue = '$MyFirstGroupObjName' AND ( Status = 'new' OR Status 
= 'open' OR Status = 'stalled')";

my $QueryString = "";
$QueryString = '?' . $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString',
                              Query => $Query,
                              Order => 'DESC',
                              OrderBy => 'Priority') if ($Query);

and in share/html/index.html I have the following snippet:

<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &>
<TD WIDTH=70% class="boxcontainer">
<& /Elements/MyTickets &>
<& /Elements/MyRequests &>
<& /Elements/MyGroupTickets &>
<TD class="boxcontainer">
<& /Elements/Quicksearch &>

In 3.6.1, I've done the same as I did in 3.4.3, except instead of putting <& 
/Elements/MyGroupTickets &> in index.html I put it in Elements/MyRT to look 
like this...

<table border="0" width="100%">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="70%" class="boxcontainer">

% for my $portlet (@{$portlets->{body}}) {
<% _show($portlet) %>
<br />
% }

<& /Elements/MyGroupTickets &>
<td class="boxcontainer">

% for my $portlet (@{$portlets->{summary}}) {
<% _show($portlet) %>
<br />
% }


  I am able to get the query title to show up on the homepage, but the 
actual query itself doesn't show up.  I am able to click on the link and the 
query will show up on the next page (like a normal search built through the 
Search Builder).

How can I get my MyGroupTickets query to show up on the Homepage for 

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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