[rt-users] Updating to 3.6.1, and migrating the database

Marlier, Ian ian.marlier at studentuniverse.com
Thu Oct 12 14:27:38 EDT 2006

Hi, all --

I'm working on upgrading from RT 3.4.4 to RT 3.6.1.  At the same time,
I'm moving to a different server, and a different version of MySQL on
the backend.

I think that the upgrade path needs to go something like this:
- On the old server, dump the current (3.4.4) database from MySQL (v.
- On the new server, restore the 3.4.4 database into MySQL (v.
- Run `sbin/rt-setup-database --action [schema/insert/acl] --datadir
etc/upgrade/3.5.1/ ...`
- Setup perl/apache/etc.

Now, I've got most of this working fine, but I'm actually having trouble
with the database migration.

Specifically, I'm losing/corrupting the binary data in the Attachments

Can anyone give me a quick pointer on how to properly dump the rt
database so that binary data is maintained?


- Ian

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