[rt-users] Filter ticket text for display?

Toby Darling darling at ccdc.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jul 9 10:52:49 EDT 2007

Hi Gary
> Hi folks -- is there a hook to filter or process the ticket history texts
> (email bodies) when they're displayed?  We'd like to turn certain pieces of
> text (identified by regex) into html links.

I'm not sure how current it is, but it's working for me on RT 3.4

Essentially I created a file in the local/share/request-tracker3.4 tree 
called html/Callbacks/CCDC/Ticket/Elements/ShowMessageStanza/Default

my $val = $$content;
use bytes;
$val =~ s/(s?http|https):[\w\/\.:+\-]+/<a href="$&">$&<\/a>/gi;
$$content = $val;
$content => undef

If you capture anything in the <regexp>, you can use $1, $2, ... in the 
replacement, as well as $& for the whole matched string.

$val =~ s;(bug|bz|bugzilla)\s*(\d{4,6});<a 

would turn "bug 1234" into a clickable link.

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