[rt-users] Problem installing RTFM 2.2.0RC5

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 17 07:09:14 EDT 2007

On Jul 16, 2007, at 11:46 PM, Mike Friedman wrote:

> One more thing.  I didn't actually run 'perl Makefile.PL'.   
> Instead, because of my 'virtual private server' environment, I had  
> to run this:
>   perl Makefile.PL `cat ../perl5prefs-ist-rt `
> where the file '../perl5prefs-ist-rt' contains settings of a bunch  
> of variables to tell Makefile.PL where actually to install stuff,  
> especially perl modules (i.e., in my home directory -- /users/ist- 
> rt -- , not the system perl libraries to which I don't have write  
> access):

Makefile.PL for RTFM normally prompts you to find RT.pm, which is how  
it would know to look in your

What happens if you do

PERL5LIB/users/ist-rt/RT/rt/ist-rt/local/lib perl Makefile.PL `cat ../ 
perl5prefs-ist-rt `


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