[rt-users] collapsed from ShowTransaction

Roy El-Hames rfh at pipex.net
Tue Jul 17 10:14:39 EDT 2007

Hi there;
rt-3.6.1 dbix 1.38 and apache2 mysql5
I am trying to figure out how Collapsed and ShowBody work between 
ShowHistory /ShowTransactions/ShowTransactionAttachments ,
What I would like is when a ticket is first displayed to have all 
transactions collapsed so no attachments are showing , and this works 
when $Collapsed is set 1 from ShowHistory, and I assumed that clicking 
on the "#"  it should open/expand the transaction showing the 
attachment, however clicking on that seems to do nothing although its a 
link with "my rt url/Ticket/Display.html?ticketnumber#txn-transactionid" ..
I have removed all customisation so its out of the box rt-3.6.1 with the 
obvious changes in RT_SiteConfig ..

Any help/pointers will be appreciated ..


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