[rt-users] Auto adding users to privileged groups

Kimberly McKinnis kmckinnis at tivo.com
Fri Jun 8 18:44:07 EDT 2007

Interestingly, my original email hadn't shown up on the list yet... but
I made the script work myself. I was missing a few steps.

I have an email alias pointing to the 'accounts' queue. I gave unpriv
users the ability the create tickets in the accounts queue. On Create, I
have two scripts. One for $self->TicketObj->SetStatus('resolved'); and
the other: 

my $domains = {};

my %domain_map = (
                   '\@.*\.?cust1\.com'         => "cust1",
                   '\@.*\.?cust2\.com'        => "cust2",
                   '\@.*\.?cust3\.com'      => "cust3",

foreach my $domainKey (keys %domain_map ){
if($self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses =~ /^.*?${domainKey}/) {
my $user = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );
die "couldn't load user" unless $user->id;
my $group = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser );
    $group->LoadUserDefinedGroup( $domain_map{$domainKey} );

Whoever wrote the code snippets page on the wiki is officially my hero. 
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