[rt-users] Default Time Worked

Edge, Sean Sean.Edge at mtvnmix.com
Tue Jun 26 10:46:46 EDT 2007

It isn't working.  This is how I've configured it:
Description: Default Time Worked
Condition: On Create
Action: User Defined
Template: Global template: Transaction
Stage: TransactionCreate

I generally use a Blank template so there's no correspondance sent when
making a change like this.

Custom Condition: $self->TicketObj->SetTimeWorked(5);
Custom action preparation code:
Custom action cleanup code: return 1;

This is already using an "On Create" condition so you should just put
"return 1;" in that box and move the code to the "action preparation

I'm wondering though, by using SetTimeWorked(5), won't I just be setting
the time to 5 regardless of the value entered in the field during a
comment or reply?

The condition is set to "On Create" so it will only happen when a new
ticket is created.

I think what would be preferable in the situation I'm looking at is to
have the value of the field automatically set on the comment/reply
screen rather than have the addition made upon transaction creation.
This is what I meant by a default.  Rather than present the user with a
blank field to have it populated with "5" and allow them to alter it as

You could (probably should) put a check in that Scrip to see if
TimeWorked has already been set so if someone has created a ticket with
TimeWorked it's not automatically overwritten.

The only way I could think to have the "Time Worked" field automatically
filled would be to modify the RT code or db schema, neither of which I
would recommend.


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