[rt-users] RT 3.6.3 and Oracle 10g

Gilhooley, Dennis gilhoole at buffalo.edu
Wed Jun 27 06:42:48 EDT 2007


	We are running RT 3.6.3 and are using Oracle 9i as our back end
database.  We are getting ready for an upgrade of all of our Oracle
Instances to Oracle 10g.  I am wondering if Oracle 10g is an "officially
supported" backend database for rt 3.6.3.

	From the RT User Manual, I see:


Database backend

RT stores data in database, you can choose one database management

    * We recommend MySQL 4.0.18 or newer *with support for InnoDB*.
    * PostgreSQL 7.4 or later will also work
    * Oracle 9iR2 or newer 


	I just want to make sure the "or newer" includes Oracle 10g.



Dennis P. Gilhooley           
State University of New York at Buffalo
Administrative Computing Services     email: gilhoole at buffalo.edu
215 MFAC, Ellicott Complex            Tel: 716-645-3587 ext. 7006
Buffalo, NY  14261-0016               Fax: 716-645-3588

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