[rt-users] custom field display sort & odd workaround

Jack D. Browning jacorp at bellsouth.net
Tue May 8 11:03:07 EDT 2007

I am new to RT and am very impressed with it.  Thanks Jesse & the community!

I'm not a programmer, and I'm not sure how useful this post will be.  My apologies if it's inappropriate for some reason.

I've searched through the mailing list archives & have Googled & can't find a patch or solution for custom fields sorting out of order when displayed in ticket or transaction (comment) pages.  I've seen some posts regarding DBIx::SearchBuilder and possibly Oracle, but can't seem to find anything that applies to PostgreSQL, and am not even sure this is related.

Custom Fields seemed to display fine when first set up.  Then, after modifying them, they display with a different sort order than originally set up.  The sort fields in the tables did not change.

Odd Workaround:
After searching unsuccessfully for a solution, I fiddled around with it some and found that appears to be sorting them based on when the custom fields were last updated.  So, I tried manually editing the lastupdated fields in the tables to get a different sort order, with no effect at all.  However, if I use the web interface to edit each field in the order I want them to appear on the display, it works fine, and appears to work consistently.  So, if I have to change or add a custom field, after I'm done, I just go in and edit each custom field _in the order I want them to display_, by adding or removing a period (.) at the end of each custom field's description field, and it puts them back in the desired order in the display.

If there is a patch or update I'm missing, or one is coming, I would appreciate a reply post.  Otherwise, I hope this helps isolate this issue for a resolution, or at least helps someone else deal with this for now.

- CentOS 4.4
- latest RT from head
- PostgreSQL 8.2
- Perl 5.8.5
- DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.48


Jack D. Browning

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